This post is a little different than our typical blog posts around here. Usually we highlight sessions one at a time, picking a few favorites.
This post, however, is years in the making. Each year for 4 years since Carla first came to us expecting a baby girl, we’ve photographed her in about the same position.
This is her story.
When people ask me what I love most about my job, I can say with undeniable certainty that it is never just one shot or one session that I love. It’s the story. It’s seeing families grow up and change in front of my lens. I watch couples become parents, baby bumps become newborns, newborns become chubby babies, chubby babies walk, run, grow. I watch little ones gain siblings, and families grow. I see toddlers, preschoolers, grade schoolers.
And the immense honor of capturing it all is not lost on me. This. This is what I love most about my job. What an honor it is.
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